black candle love spell

The Black Candle Spell of Love


Please note that the following spell you are about to use is not publicly published, it’s only accessible to you as a kind gift. You are free to share it with anyone. Sharing is caring.

Love is unpredictable and it doesn’t ask why. Getting attracted to someone in love is one of the things that no one can avoid.

If you are reading this, then you are probably in deep love pain for someone and this is normal. Do not take it personally but try getting means to heal the love pain by trying different ways.

However, the following spell will do you a huge favor and get you results in a short time.

Note: Spellcasting might be very intimidating and could result in anxiety and stress. You must be in a moment of calm both in mind and spirit while performing any spell.

If you feel uncomfortable casting the spell on your own, I have paid services with guaranteed results. Get in touch and let’s discuss the strategies of how I can quickly help you heal the pain of love and get the happiness you deserve.
Let’s have a conversation and see how I can help

If you are comfortable with spell casting, then follow along, and let’s cast a great spell!….

For anyone intent on seduction, cast these love spells before coming into the Presence of those concerned.


Enter a quiet and private room. Awaken your spiritual energies. Burn a black candle and think of the person to be spellbound. After a few minutes, gaze into the candle flame and say:

“Listen, O Mighty and power ancient one. He whose appearance is that of a burning pillar of fire. Ancient and Power one, I require you, who hath dominion over such things to draw close to you the heart and soul of (Person’s name)”

From this moment forth, I charge you to never once loosen your hold upon them. By him whose mouth ever flameth, you are required to do as I command. Let (Person’s name) never think of another for his/her soul has now faded from within. (Person’s name) is now bound to my will, until the stars fall from the heavens.

You will, of course, have been using the appropriate pronoun where the spell on a night when the moon is full.

Here is a testimony of the above spell:

“I have for the past two years really liked a man in our village. He is everything women go for. I am a hairdresser in the town. One day I decided to do some spell on him, knowing very well he did not fancy me at all. I did the Black candle spell.

Well, needless to say, it worked and if you knew this man you would have said it was almost impossible. Anyway, we went away for a day and night in a hotel. He made love to me twice! Thank you!

Signed: D.S., United States

PS: If you feel uncomfortable casting the spell on your own, I have paid services with guaranteed results. Get in touch and let’s discuss the strategies of how I can quickly help you heal the pain of love and get the happiness you deserve.
Let’s have a conversation and see how i can help

Best of luck..

Dr. Carlos Mukuru

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